Or Circumvention??
Case Of
White and Smith & Wesson
Three Unusual and Unique Revolvers
Horace Smith & Daniel Wesson formed their second partnership
(S&W) in 1856 for the development and manufacture of a
revolver chambered for a self contained metallic cartridge.
During this development period, while researching existing
patents, it was found that a Rollin White had patented a bored
through cylinder for a paper cartridge some time earlier.
Since this same cylinder design would serve S&W well they
negotiated with Rollin White for assignment of the patent.
This was granted with S&W agreeing to pay Rollin White
a small royalty on every pistol sold with the provision that
Rollin White would pay any legal fees associated with the
defense of his patent and infringements thereto. |
The success of S&W's metallic cartridge revolvers starting
in 1857, gave host to a large amount of copy cat type weapons,
some outright and without question infringements of White's
patents, and others not of the exact design, but designed
exactly to circumvent the White and S&W patents, being
manufactured by a host of competitors. American ingenuity
was not to be denied and other manufacturers quickly developed
unique metallic cartridge and cylinder designs to circumvent
White's and S&W's patents. Poor Rollin White. He had his
hands full and his pocketbook emptied in bringing patent infringement
suits. The courts ultimately ruled in his favor in 1862 with
full implementation not taking effect until 1865. White's
patent of the bored though cylinder finally expired in 1871
or 72. But not before he went broke from the litigation costs. |
Among the more unique of the patent infringements were the
following 3 weapons manufactured by Moore's Patent Firearms
Company, Plant's Mfg. Company and Brooklyn Firearms Company. |
to bottom:
Moore's Patent Firearms Company's Front Loading "Teat Fire"
Cartridge Single Action Pocket Model Revolver with top and
side views of "teat fire" cartridges. |
Plant's Manufacturing Company's Front Loading "Cup Primed"
Cartridge Single Action Pocket Model Revolver with top and
side views of "cup primed" cartridges. |
Brooklyn Firearms Company's Side Loading Slocum "Rim Fire"
Cartridge Single Action Pocket Model Revolver with top and
side views of standard "rim fire" cartridges which were loaded
by sliding the individual chamber tubes forward and laying
the cartridges in the exposed cut outs from the side and sliding
the chambers back to the rear. |
Moore Front Loading "Teat Fire" Cartridge
Action Pocket Model Revolver
Approximately 30,000 of this revolver were made circa 1864
to 1870. It utilized a special .32 caliber teat-fire cartridge
designed by Daniel Moore and David Williamson. It was loaded
from the front with the "teat" to the rear. |
This 6 shot revolver has a 3¼" barrel. Overall it measures
7-1/8" It has a brass frame which at one time may have been
silver plated. The barrel and cylinder have 98%+ of the original
deep blue finish. The bird's head butt has 2 piece walnut
grips. This model has a small hinged swivel gate on the right
side of the barrel lug in front of the cylinder that prevents
the cartridges from falling out after they are inserted. |
The barrel markings are "MOORE'S PAT. FIREARMS CO. BROOKLYN,
N.Y.", in a single line on the top and horizontally, on the
bottom, the number "17734". The cylinder is marked, at the
rear, "D. WILLIAM'S PATENT JANUARY 5/1864". The stamping "FP
34" can be found on the frame under the grips, on the inside
of the grips themselves and on the back of the cylinder and
barrel wedge. |
Gate - Right Side Of Gun

And Rear Of Partially Loaded Cylinder-Note "Teats"
Barrel Wedge Is Next To Cylinder

And Bottom Barrel Markings
Front Loading "Cup Primed" Cartridge
Action Pocket Model Revolver
This revolver was made in the mid 1860's with the total quantity
being about 20,000. It is a 5 shot, 30 caliber, cup-primed
front loader. It has a 3½" octagon ribbed barrel, a
brass frame, originally silver plated with a blued barrel
and cylinder. Overall it is 8-1/8". It has a spur trigger,
rosewood grips and a squared butt. A ejector rod is mounted
on the right side within a grooved housing. |
The barrel markings are "MERWIN & BRAY-FIRE-ARMS CO. N.Y.",
in a single line on the top and underneath the cylinder pin
is the serial number, "1834". "1834" is also stamped on the
bottom of the butt strap. The cylinder is marked "PAT. JULY
12, 1859 & JULY 21, 1863". |
Ejector Rod (Forward)

And Rear Of Partially Loaded Cylinder
And Bottom Barrel Markings
Number - Butt |
Firearms "Slocum" Side Loading
Action Pocket Model Cartridge Revolver
Approximately 10,000 Slocum revolvers were manufactured from
1863 to 1864. It is a 5 shot, .32 caliber, rim fire front
(side) loader. It has a 3" round barrel, a brass frame, originally
silver plated, with a blued (now gray) barrel and cylinder.
It is 9½" overall. It has a spur trigger, irregularly
shaped bag-like handle with 2 piece walnut grips. It is of
unique design with individual chambers in the form of sliding
tubes within cut-outs on the cylinder. The chambers slide
forward, one at a time, over a fixed rod on the right side
to expose, load and eject. |
The barrel marking is "B. A. Co. PATENT APRIL 14, 1863", on
the top, in a single line. The serial number "2294" is stamped
on the bottom front of the frame. |
Chamber All The Way Forward
Chamber Partially Slid Forward
Barrel Markings
Number - Front Of Frame
All three of these pistols represent attempts at circumventing
the Rollin White patent. Each was successful for a period
of time until Rollin White won his case in full but lost his
fortune in doing so.