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Re: Something to kick around for the future . . .

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2023 7:12 pm
by Bill Faye
Picture of me 2010. I have been looking for these pictures for a while. Darn digital cameras. We take piles and piles of pictures and if you are like me they don't get organized very well. This is the first buffalo I shot and used my 1884 rifle with a pistol grip made by the fellow that used to make them and sell on Al's site. This was California local and was really just a fun meat hunt. Being first time at this ranch I didn't know if I would be standing or sitting. Turns out sitting was the method. I shot 3 more in the following years. One more with the 1884 and 2 with a 1885 Winchester 45-90 repo. All with black powder
Apologies to any that are bothered by the animal but they sure taste good