M73 SPF Carbine, SN41270
M73 SPF Carbine, SN41270
This carbine was assembled at Springfield in 1906 for the Pennsylvania State Police (SPF). This is one one of the 220 carbines
(second order) shipped from Springfield and is essentially a complete early casrbine with a new stock. For some reason the early
stock was not desireable and Springfireld made new stocks cut for the wide redeiver, but not cut for the rods and trap mechanism.
The stock has a solid butt, original rear and front sight, 1873 dated lock and Type I hammer,original barrel that was not reblued, early band with swivel removed,
early sling bar and no ring, early trigger assembly, early firing pin and early and correct breech block. I have seen a number of
these carbines and they are all about the same with minty unfired bores. the crown on this barrel is in the white which means it
was not reblued. The stamping on the stock designates the following:
S.P.F.- State Police Force
C- Reading Barracks
76- The troopers identity code
To read more about these carbines, you will find a detailed description and photograghs of troopers in the Trapdoor Newsletters.
$2895 + S/H
Contact Al
Frasca at 937-399-5002 or email him at