Great Photographs #4
This page is dedicated to great Spanish-American War and
Indian War photographs. Items appropriate for this page are: battle
pictures, close-ups of soldiers with accouterments such as belts,
canteens, satchels, saddles, carbine boots, encampments, tents, parades,
etc. If you have a photograph appropriate for this page, contact: Please leave an e-mail address or telephone
number so
that interested people will be able to contact you.
 | Doug McChristian's
response to the photo is: The soldier strikes me as a Regular, or perhaps
even a Rough Rider. The hat, shirt, leggings, and presumably the trousers
(I can't see much of them.) are regulation pattern. The leggings are
particulary interesting in that he has added pieces of white duck to
provide more protection just where the stirrup leathers pass his calves.
The carbine, of course, is a Model 1896, again suggesting a Regular or 1st
U. S. Vol. Cavalry. All of the uniform evidence, and the Tampa
photographer's mark, date it almost certainly to 1898. Ken McPheeters
believes the leather looped pistol belt looks like a private purchase.
The holster appears to be a 5th Type Pattern 1881 Holster. Note the
dimple on the barrel tube of the holster, as if it has ben bent. I
beleive this indicates that the soldier is carrying one of the Artillery
model Colt SA pistols. Likewise, he has shoes on rather than cavalry
boots. Possibly a private purchase.
Photograph from Dale
Nelson at
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Attached is a photo in frame and a close up of just the photo. It is of
2 Spanish American War soldiers. Photo has San Francisco photographer so
I believe it was taken before being shipped off to the Philippines.
Soldier on your right has a Colt SAA in his belt. The barrel length is
hidden but probably a 5 1/2" barrel. The soldier on your left carries a
Colt .38DA in his belt. Both are carrying trapdoor rifles with bayonets
and scabbards. One scabbard has the rosette visible but I can't make out
the initials, however their belt plates look like US. Fellow on the left
has hat insignia, but again I can't tell what it is. Both have the wide
shoulder strap going to their haversacks and the narrow shoulder strap
going to their canteens. Photograph from Keith Alderson at
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The Sp-Am War photo has two cavalry troopers with web belts made to
hold the Krag and revolver .38 Cal. cartridges. Photograph from Dave
Szymkowiak at
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The Sp-Am War photo has two cavalry troopers with Krag carbines, .38
Cal. Pistol, and web belts made to
hold the Krag and revolver cartridges. Photograph from Dave
Szymkowiak at
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 | 1st. Sgt. John B.
This picture was taken in the late 1890s by Good & Kuchner in Columbus,
Ohio (114 1/2 South High St.). He is wearing all three metals mentioned in
the above photograph.
Photograph from Don Harpold
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 | This photo was taken
in the
Philippine Islands. The cavalrymen are armed with Colt .38 revolvers,
sabers and Springfields. Photograph from Bill Chachula at
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 | A cavalryman circa 1896/7
showing off his Krag carbine and uniform.
Photograph from Bill Chachula at
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 | U.S. Volunteers
fighting in the Spanish American War.
" Photograph from Dale Nelson at
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 | 1st Cavalry, Co. A.
Photo taken at Fort Robinson, Neb. Photograph from Bill Chachula
at, and
digitized by Joe Poyer.
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